Serato Scratch Live Setup Tables

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  1. Serato Scratch Live 2.4
  2. Serato Scratch Live Setup Tables For Kids
  3. Serato Scratch Live Setup Tables For Sale
  4. Serato Live Scratch
  5. Serato Scratch Live Software

Scratch Live 2.3.3 (Legacy)


  1. Scratch Live by default will have the DJ-FX plugin disabled because it can use extra CPU power. So you will need to enable it by going to the 'Plugins' tab of the Scratch Live Setup screen and ticking 'Enable DJ.
  2. Aug 23, 2018  Serato DVS is an expansion for the Serato DJ Pro software. DVS mode allows DJs to use a control vinyl or control signal to control the Serato DJ software.
  3. Scratch Live is vinyl emulation software that operates exclusively with Rane hardware. Mix and scratch digital music on your computer with Serato Control Vinyl or Control CDs. Download Archive - Serato Scratch Live - DJ Software.
  4. When playing one of the affected audio files in Scratch Live 2.3.3 for the first time, all existing Serato meta data will need to saved in the new format. Consequently there will be a lot of writing to file, as signified in the status bar.
  5. Designed to compliment an existing Scratch Live setup, Serato Remote will connect seamlessly to your Serato laptop software and work with all supported Scratch Live hardware. Serato Remote lets you see and perform all of your favorite Scratch Live functions without needing to touch your laptop. Control Cue Points, Loops and Samples.
  6. Scratch Live is vinyl emulation software that operates exclusively with Rane hardware. Mix and scratch digital music on your computer with Serato Control Vinyl or Control CDs. We've been hard at work making Serato DJ Pro the best DJ software on the planet.

If you are using a Rane Sixty-One or Sixty-Two, please download Scratch Live for Rane Sixty-One and Sixty-Two.

Scratch Live Software Manual. Scratch Live 2.5.0. Note: Support for Mac OS X 10.5.8 has been dropped in Scratch Live 2.5. IMPORTANT: Please read this known issue before updating to Scratch Live 2.5. Rane Sixty-Eight Manual. Rane Sixty-Two Manual. Rane Sixty-One Manual. Rane SL 4 Manual.

Added in 2.3.3

Serato Scratch Live 2.4

2.3.3 is a maintenance release containing many bug fixes, read the release notes for details.

Scratch Live 2.3.3 includes a large rewrite of all MPEG-4 file reading and writing of meta data (tagging data). This includes .mp4, .m4a, .aac and many .mov files. One of these changes involves writing Serato meta data to files in a different way than previous versions of Scratch Live.

When playing one of the affected audio files in Scratch Live 2.3.3 for the first time, all existing Serato meta data will need to saved in the new format. Consequently there will be a lot of writing to file, as signified in the status bar.

Scratch Live 2.3.3 will not delete meta data created in previous versions of Scratch Live, however, new meta data created in Scratch Live 2.3.3 will not be able to be read in older versions. Such meta data includes cues, loops etc.

Serato scratch live setup tables free

Serato Scratch Live Setup Tables For Kids

Added in 2.3.0

  • Cue Point Labels
  • 64-bit drivers for Mac
  • Better software THRU mode indication for the SL 2, SL 3 and SL 4
  • Core Audio/ASIO drivers for the SL 3 and Sixty-Eight
  • Improved Scratch Live user interface layout for minimum screen resolutions
  • Added native support for the Pioneer CDJ-350
  • Added native support for the Pioneer CDJ-850
  • Support for all current Rane Scratch Live hardware (SL 1, SL 2, SL 3, SL 4, TTM 57SL, Sixty-Eight)

Serato Scratch Live Setup Tables For Sale

Watch the Scratch Live 2.3 Release notes video.

Minimum System Requirements

Read the minimum system requirements.

Serato Live Scratch

Read the full Scratch Live 2.3.3 release notes.

Serato Scratch Live Software

Scratch Live 2.5.0 Release NotesDownload
Scratch Live 2.4.4 Release NotesDownload
Scratch Live 2.4.3 Release NotesDownload
Scratch Live 2.4.2 Release NotesDownload
Scratch Live 2.4.1 Release NotesDownload
Scratch Live 2.3.3 Release NotesDownload
Scratch Live 2.3.1 Release NotesDownload
Scratch Live 2.3.0 Release NotesDownload
Scratch Live 2.2.0 Release NotesDownload
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Scratch Live 1.3.0 Release NotesDownload